Alan Seldon
Special Inspector, Specialist Crime Directorate New Scotland Yard
Gabor Bucsek
Police major general, police chief counsellor, Chief Commissioner of the Budapest Metropolitan Police
Charles Huber
President of the Board of Directors, The Fondation for Modern Youth and Civil Parficipation
Christopher von Harsdorf
Director of an EU funded Project against Extremism
dr. József Hatala
Chair, National Crime Prevention Council
Zalán Huszti
Indrek Saluvee
Commanding Officer
James F. Albrecht
Professor, Pace University Police Chief of Criminal Investigations (Former), EULEX Police – Kosovo NYPD Captain
Pál Kardos
President, Auxiliary Police Federation of Budapest
dr. Máté Kocsis
Mayor, 8th District Józsefváros Municipality and Law Enforcement Councillor of Budapest, Municipality of Budapest
András Mester
Mayor of Mezőgecse
Ms. Noreen Mcbrien
Superintendent An G. Siochána, Dublin
Attila Steiner
Vice President, Auxiliary Police Federation of Budapest
Richard Johns
President, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
dr. András Túrós
Head, National Civil Guard Federation
Olga Tóth
Ferenc Varga
fire department brigadier general,
Budapest Directorate for Disaster Management
Dr. Avi Bleier
President, International Security & Anti-Terror Institute